Position papers
FPE Manifesto
FPE Manifesto - Towards a sustainable and competitive European fibre-based packaging value chain
POSITION PAPER: The European Packaging Value Chain expresses serious concerns about the European Commission suggested approach on packaging and packaging waste legislation
Joint industry statement from the Packaging Value Chain on the European Commission suggested approach on packaging and packaging waste legislation [su_document...
Infographic: Fibre Packaging Europe
How fibre-based packaging contributes to the Circular Economy Download as pdf here.
Position paper: FPE contribution to PPWD revision
Fibre Packaging Europe (FPE) contribution to the revision of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive ...
Position paper: The right approach to packaging reuse and waste prevention targets
Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive revision The right approach to packaging reuse and waste prevention targets Fibre Packaging Europe supports the EU’s Green Deal ambitions and welcomes the upcoming revision ofthe Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (PPWD) as...
Position paper: Sustainable packaging solutions: fit for purpose
Sustainable packaging solutions: fit for purpose Fibre Packaging Europe supports the ongoing revision of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive that aims to shape the future role of packaging within the EU’s circular economy. To contribute to the EU objectives,...
Position paper: Concrete measures to boost packaging recycling across Europe
Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive revision Concrete measures to boost packaging recycling across Europe Fibre Packaging Europe supports the EU’s Green Deal ambitions and welcomes the upcoming revision of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (PPWD) as a...
Position paper: Fibre-based packaging: a frontrunner among sustainable products
Fibre-based packaging: a frontrunner among sustainable products Fibre Packaging Europe welcomes the European Commission’s Sustainable Products Initiative (SPI). We acknowledge the importance of ensuring that sustainable products support Europe’s transition to a...
Position paper: Streamline green claims, but allow for customised solutions
Substantiating Green Claims: Streamline green claims, but allow for customised solutions Fibre Packaging Europe welcomes the Commission’s upcoming regulation on substantiating green claims as an important tool towards a climate neutral, resource efficient and circular...
Position paper: Recyclable single-use paper and board packaging as a leading circular and sustainable solution in a climate-neutral economy
Recyclable single-use paper and board packaging as a leading circular and sustainable solution in a climate-neutral economy Fibre Packaging Europe supports the EU’s Green Deal ambitions and the Circular Economy Action Plan, which offer a crucial opportunity to move...
POSITION PAPER: Joint reply – EU Consultation on Green Claims
POSITION PAPER: Feedback to the EU Inception Impact Assessment on the initiative “Review of the requirements for packaging and other measures to prevent packaging waste”
Paper value chain joint feedback on the EU Inception Impact Assessment on measures to prevent packaging wasteDownload
CITPA Statement: Continued cross-border and intra-country movement of paper & board packaging
CITPA Statement: Continued cross-border and intra-country movement of paper & board packaging
POSITION PAPER: Single Use Plastics Directive – Internal Market for packaging and packaged goods
Single Use Plastics Directive - 73 national and EU industries call on EU to safeguard the Internal Market for packaging and packaged goods in view of trilogues The undersigned organisations represent interests in a wide range of packaging materials, including...
POSITION PAPER: Industry4Europe coalition launches ambitious campaign: make industry a top European Commission priority
The EU Industrial Policy Strategy was published in 2017, with the goal to make the European industry stronger. Following the publication, a large industry coalition called “Industry4Europe” was formed, gathering some 120 associations, incl CEPI and CITPA. The...